ALMEC invests in the medical sector and creates, together with Eng. Alma De Luca, the innovative start-up ALDETECH s.r.l.

The company was incorporated on 11 June last. It has acquired the patent for the ReVideo product, developed by the Polytechnic of Turin and based on the idea of ​​Prof. Umberto Lucia, who for a long time worked on the analytical modeling of the optic nerve membrane transport. From the study of his own disease, the professor came up with the idea of ​​stimulating certain points of the eye through the screen of a smartphone.

ReVideo is a software that allows to develop personalized video therapies: light pulses stimulate malfunctioning cells of the eye, in order to at least partially recover the visual field and other light pulses enhance functioning cells of the eye.

Personalized video therapies are rehabilitation therapies, intended for patients suffering from optic nerve pathologies (glaucoma in particular) and maculopathies, which allow them to recover part of the lost visual field.

At the beginning of the year, the ReVideo experimentation began on some patients at the Molinette hospital – City of Health in Turin, at the SS Antonio e Biagio and Cesare Arrigo hospital in Alessandria and at the Dr. A.Vercesi of Tortona (Al).

Find out more by reading this article:

A Dogliani nasce la prima “app” per curare il glaucoma con lo smartphone

August 5, 2021

Centraline SPN8 per Casagrande s.p.a.